Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why this blog?

I've been blogging for a while. Hiding behind several aliases, I've written about everything and mostly anything. I'm enjoying it, but I've slowly come to wanting more from it. I've often been tempted to write about science or technology, about what it means to be a woman in science and share my - still quite short - experience.

The blogosphere is full of talented people who found their way and stick to it. I'm not really bad in anything, either writing chronicles or taking pictures, but if I'm honestly asking myself what it is that I have to share, that's that.

30. Scientist. Woman.

I've never really done it. Mostly by laziness, also to avoid mixing my virtual and real identities.

Creating a blog I wouldn't be ashamed of showing to a potential employer, thinking about the accuracy of the information and sources, and publishing in two languages is time consuming. I usually write compulsively, barely reread, and hit "publish." I have to be rigorous in my work and I've considered the internet more as a playground, but it's getting old. Why not using this great tool as a good exercise for vulgarization and to share my experience?

Science, feminism, ecology, readings, vulgarization. The editorial line isn't really defined yet and it may take some more time: I have on of those PhD things to wrap up in the next months.

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